Thursday, March 20, 2014

Toof Tellings pt. 3

Yet more Toof Tellings from Mr. Robertson's third grade class Trevor and Toof Abriella and Toof Marisol and Toof

Toof Tellings pt. 2

More Toof Tellings from Mr. Robertson's 3rd grade David and Toof Briana and Toof Diana and Toof Violet and Toof Betsya and Toof

Toof Tellings pt. 1

Here are all the Toof Telling videos up to this point in the year.

Coral and Toof Daniel and Toof Estrella and Toof Astella and Toof Emma and Toof


  • Spelling Thursday
  • Read 25 minutes
  • Practice multiplication
  • Popcorn tomorrow
  • Yearbook ordering last day tomorrow
  • FROZEN tomorrow

Friday, March 14, 2014


  • Read 25 minutes each night
  • Dear Mr. Robertson letter
  • practice multiplication
  • Parent sign behavior chart
  • Google "Mr Robertson Homework" to get to blog

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3/13 & PB&J Lesson

  • Spelling Thursday
  • Read 25 minutes
  • Practice Multiplication
Over the last two days we worked on a project about writing and following directions. This cumulates with my making four or five peanut butter and jelly sandwiches following exactly the directions students have written. This year I videoed that lesson.
Here it is.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Read Across America

Dr. Seuss is my favorite author and I am thrilled we at White City Elementary celebrated Read Across America today with Cat Hats, readers, and plenty of Seuss.

Thank you to Mrs. Bates for Google Hangout-ing in to our class to read. We loved it.